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Special Educational Needs and Disabilities often referred to as SEND

Welcome to our SEND page. We hope you find the information here both supportive and valuable. 

Ms Karen Marsh is the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator, often known as the SENDCo. Ms Marsh is happy to meet with you and your child's class teacher to look at how we can best support your child. You can contact her via the school office (01278 722527/ or come in and make an appointment with her. 

At Catcott, we value every child as an individual and aim to create an environment where pupils are encouraged to achieve their full potential, regardless of their gender, ethnicity, social background, religion, sexual identity, physical ability or educational needs. However, we recognise that some children find it harder to learn than their peers and may therefore have a special educational need or disability (SEND). 

If you are concerned about your child's academic progress or social/emotional well being, then come into school and talk to a member of staff. The first point of contact is your child's class teacher. You know your child better than anybody and by working together we can build an overall picture of your child's needs.

What is the definition of SEND?

The Government's definition of SEND in the New SEND Code of Practice is:

'A child has SEND if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for 'Special Educational Provision' to be made for them and they have significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age.'

School SEN Information Report 

As a result of the Children and Families Act (Sept 2014), there are changes to the way in which children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are supported in schools. The New Code of Practice (2014) now covers the 0-25 age range and includes guidance relating to disabled children and young people, as well as those with special educational needs.

The key principles of the 2014 SEND Code of Practice are:

  • The participation of children, their parents and young people in decision making
  • The early identification of children and young people's needs and early intervention to support them
  • Greater choice and control for young people and parents over support
  • Collaboration between education, health and social care services to provide support
  • High quality provision to meet the needs of children with SEND

What are the Core Standards for Education?

These are the core standards of education support that the local authority expects to be available for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities.

The Core Standards are designed to make sure that all education settings comply with updated legislation. They make it clear 'what to expect' in terms of SEND identification and provision for a range of stakeholders, including school staff, parents, and professionals. 

There are general Core Standards for all children and young people with Special Educational Needs, and specific Core Standards for each primary category of need as defined by the SEND Code of Practice.  The local authority hopes and expects that the Core Standards will reduce anxiety and confusion for education settings and families by making clear the core offer of SEND provision that each setting will make.  The Core Standards toolkit has been developed with the help of many individuals and groups over the last 18 months including practitioners, parent carers and young people.  This has been built on the best practice and the requirements in SEND Code of Practice to represent our local outline of the graduated response in a fresh and more practical format. 

Core Standards Resource Pack

Below are some useful links


Somerset (LA) Local Offer

Children and Families Act 

SEND Code of Practice 

Communication and Interaction


Occupational Therapy



Touch typing


Below are some useful documents